Webinar Research on Azure per le Istituzioni aderenti all’area ICT della CRUI

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Per le istituzioni aderenti all’area ICT della CRUI, Microsoft propone un webinar dal titolo “Research on Azure” per il giorno 8 aprile 2021 dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 12:00.

L’incontro sarà in lingua inglese ed è calendarizzato nell’area riservata Teams destinata ai referenti ICT.

Di seguito un breve abstract:

Join us to learn how Microsoft Azure and cloud computing can accelerate your research. In this webinar we will discuss the challenges for academic researchers and look into various use cases for performing research on Azure. We will provide an introduction to Azure technologies for research and how to deploy these securely in your organisations and talk about data privacy and collaboration. There will also be time for Q&A with our Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect.
